Changes to USDA Home Loan Eligibility in Oregon & Washington

  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development recently announced changes to the rural eligibility designation for some areas throughout Oregon and Washington. Starting June 4, 2018, the following areas will no longer be eligible for USDA...

Changes to USDA Home Loan Eligibility in Oregon & Washington

  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development recently announced changes to the rural eligibility designation for some areas throughout Oregon and Washington. Starting June 4, 2018, the following areas will no longer be eligible for USDA...

Mortgage Myth: “You Need a Big Down Payment to Buy a Home”

  Mortgage Myth: “I’ll need a lot of cash in order to buy the home I want. I’ll never be able to save up enough money for a down payment.” Your actual down payment amount will depend on what type of loan you qualify for and a variety of other factors. There are...

Mortgages UnZipped: USDA Home Loans

  “What is the USDA Guaranteed Rural Development Loan?” If you’re feeling the crunch of escalating home prices in Oregon and Washington, the USDA Guaranteed Rural Development home loan might be the right option for you and your family. USDA home...